Saturday, 14 July 2012

Touring Italy with the Brithday Boy - Francesco

Friday 13 July 2012  -Touring around Forli
Day 91 and 68 to go
Awake again at 7 with the sun in my eyes, but not going anywhere in a hurry. Paul eventually dragged me out of bed at 8.30am. He had a shower, while I added some more FB photos then it was my turn to have a shower. Paul went downstairs and rang Tina so she could say Happy Birthday to Francesco. He then spoke to Merida for a bit.
We had breakfast while I continued to add photos and bits to FB and the blog.
At 10 it was time to head out for the day. Francesco drove us through San Sofia and on to a large lake, Lago Di Ridracoli,  that was created when they dammed a valley. The colour of the water was just so turquoise from the limestone underneath.  Here is was much cooler and so wonderful to wander the dam wall spotting fish swimming below.
We then drove to the nearby Water museum that had a display on making the dam, animals from the area and a water play area a bit like Scitech back home. It was quite interesting.
We then returned to Cusercoli where we stopped at a street side restaurant for a traditional meal called cresceone. Basically it is a flat bread they fill with meats, tomato, cheese. We had the folded version that is sealed and cooked on both sides. It was delicious. The cook even gave us a spinach one to try.
We then continued our tour, this time to the wine region where they grow San Genovese grapes. To get there we had to pass over another small mountain travelling through towns that were dotted over the hillside. One of the towns Predappio, was Mussolini’s home town.
We eventually stopped at a winery on the side of the hill called Conde where I tried a glass of Rose and Paul and Francesco had the Blue, that was still a red wine. The view from the winery was so lovely. It reminded me of home.
Our final stop was in Forli centre. We parked and went to the town square. We decided to stop for gelato. Paul bought triple scoops that were massive! I successfully ate mine but Paul and Francesco both lost the tops of theirs. Once our icecream was eaten we returned to the car and back home at 4.30pm.
Paola was home from work. I had her print out our ferry ticket and gave her the photos I took yesterday. I then continued to put things on FB and the blog. Finally catching up. 
Andrea returned home so we sat watching the news and chatting.
We ate dinner, which again was delicious and discussed with Andrea what work he could get if he came to Australia for 12 months. We then continued to rest up under the fan in the lounge as it was still over 30 degrees at 7pm.
The time seemed to just disappear between chatting and watching TV. At 8.30pm Paaola put on the movie XMen First Class and we watched that for the next couple of hours. Andrea left at 9.30pm to go out with his friends, meanwhile the rest of us struggled to stay awake.
At 10.45pm we said goodbye to Francesco as he has to go to work early in the morning tomorrow. It was so great having him as our tour guide for the past few days and I know Paul enjoyed spending time with his uncle. We then went off to bed keen to get a good night’s sleep ready for tomorrow. 

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