Sunday, 11 June 2017

Day 163 - Friday 9 June - On the move & heading east

Day 163
9 June 2017 –

Karumba – Normanton – Croydon – Georgetown – Mount Surprise - Archer Creek Rest Area (Camps 8 QLD #227)

The alarm was set for 7am again as we had another decent day of driving ahead of us. We have our on the road routine down to an hour, not bad considering I am only half awake most of the time. 8.10am and we were making our way down the road with Karumba in our rear vision mirror.
We had to return to Normanton, which appeared fairly quiet considering there is a public holiday in these parts for the Normanton Rodeo. We refuelled before turning on to the Savannah Way heading east towards Cairns.
Queensland roads are giving the South Australian roads a run for their money in the “Worst roads of Oz’ Stakes. We were travelling a major route and yet again it reverts to a single lane, what looks like a Brazilian has been mown straight down the middle with red gravel strips on either side. While we didn’t pass a lot of traffic, thankfully, the trucks we did pass, peppered us with stones. We have two cracks in our windscreen now and they are slowly inching their way across the screen, like the push bike riders we see making slow progress travelling the land. (Nutters!)
Croydon was the next large town we came to. It snuck up on me, as I spent most of the morning reading to Paul from the great driving routes of Australia, picking up ideas for roads to travel in Queensland. We didn’t stop in Croydon, just drove on through, making the next large town, Georgetown, our lunch stop.
The road was long and bumpy, single lane, two lanes and back again. It constantly switched back. We were often lulled into a false sense of security thinking we might have the single lanes beaten, only to see them appear on the horizon yet again.
We reached Georgetown at 12.15pm, found somewhere to fuel up and then stopped to have lunch. The maps and camps books came out to help make a decision on where to from here. While I would have like to stay in Georgetown to explore the Cobold Gorge Paul was keen to press on and so we did.

Just before Mount Surprise we had the Savannah Lander train pass us by. Usually when the sign says look for trains, we do a fleeting glance and motor on through. This time I saw the sign and then the silver glinting so we had to pull to a stop to let the train pass.
We continued through Mount Surprise, another place I would have liked to stop as there are lava tubes that you can walk into and along, but it wasn’t to be this time around. A found a free camp site in the Camps 8 book that sounded reasonable and set the GPS to guide us there.
By 3.30pm we pulled into the large grassy area and pulled up for the afternoon along with a number of other campers. Once our van was sorted we did a wander of the creek area, Paul finding a place that looked good for yabbies, so we collected the nets and returned to put them in.

Back at the van, we did a read up of Cairns and picked out a caravan park we thought sounded ok and then we got dinner underway. Paul checked the nets, but only turtles had managed to get in, so he set them free and packed it away. We ate dinner, before Paul went to bed to read, while I stayed up to do bits on the computer before I also made my way to bed. 

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