Monday, 26 June 2017

Day 180 - Monday 26 June - A day for walking

  Day 180
26 June 2017

Port Douglas – Mossman

Another day in paradise and this time no alarms and yet we are still up early! At least we could laze about in bed for a while and read before we eventually pulled ourselves out of the comfort and in to organising our day.
Shower and breakfast done, we were ready to head out, but not before I chatted with a young family and their pet bearded dragon. She was very cool, yellow with purple spots and happy to sit on the skateboard and be fed pumpkin and kale.
After my visit, we made our way to Four Mile Beach for a loooong beach walk. I was wanting to walk all the way to the far point and that is what we did, along with every other fitness freak, tourist, dog walker and school kid on holiday. I was a bit perturbed to be sharing a beach in paradise for a change.

It was somewhat overcast this morning and the sea was rolling in, but it certainly wasn’t cold and it was quite pleasant walking in the water. We watched the rain clouds rolling in from the east and cover the mountains, one minute they would there and the next gone, veiled in the fluff.
Coconut trees lined the beach for the entire walk, making a striking border between the beach and the land beyond, much of it hiding the back of the many resorts – Sheraton, Pullman etc, all very flash. We popped up and over one of the beach walkways just to see what was on offer in one of the resorts, as you would expect it was all white wood with pale green trim and swimming pools lined with sun lounges.

We made it to the decided end point, only to see the beach continue, however we turned and made our way back. Facing this way provided far less noise as the wind wasn’t whistling through the ears, it was however sending my hair in every which direction, I was glad to have a hair lackey with me.

We made our way down the beach before eventually walking closer to the vegetation in an attempt to find our thongs that we had left at the sandy entrance. I had tried to pick out a marker when we first left off and this was extremely helpful, otherwise it would have been like trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. 
With thongs on, we returned to the car and drove in to town to do a quick shop at Coles and then we made our way back to the van. It was now lunch time and our stomachs were rumbling after the long walk.
We hung out for a while after lunch and then decided we hadn’t walked enough and should go a walk a golf course as well. Back in the car and we were off to Mossman Golf Course, a course we had passed a few times in our travels. I paid for Paul’s 9 holes, $20 and then we made it to the first tee and began our walk, me pulling the buggy, while master hit the golf ball.

Can you see the cane train?

It was a pleasant way to spend our afternoon as the sun had come out to join us.  The course itself, was quite straight with limited rough between each hole except for that between 5 and 6, where a pocket of rain forest had been left and you had to walk the path though it to move on to the next tee.

Glad the water trap only had water lilies and no crocodiles.
I was more interested in the view, the cane train passing by with laden carriages of sugar cane and of course that damn Ulysses butterfly flitting past teasing me.
When we completed the course we made our way to Mossman and walked the main road. There wasn’t a lot to see. We did a quick stop in for food I had forgotten and then we drove back to the van, happy to sit put for a while.
I did all things computer and then Paul started dinner. We ate and then enjoyed listening to the rain on the roof before heading to bed to read.

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