Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Day 5 - Monday 2 February - A day to forget

2 January 2017 –
Kulin – Lake Grace – Nyabing – Gnowangerup – Albany
Well sitting here now next to a very large sports oval next to the Albany aquatic centre, I can finally process the events of today. It started like all the others, sunshine, blue skies and an eagerness to see what they day was to hold. We left Kulin at 8am after readying the vehicles and going for a morning walk around town. We made our way to Lake Grace, stopping at North Lake Grace to take in the crystalline white, beaming out at us. I walked the surface and found some salt to check out, took my photos and then we continued into the town. Nothing was open, as expected. We did a quick fuel stop before continuing on our way to Gnowangerup.
We passed through Nyabing, the town that cares. Again nothing open. We did a quick toilet stop before heading 40 min down the road to Gnowangerup. Unfortunately that is when the day took a turn for the surprising and disappointing. We pulled into a street just off the main road to be met by the local publican who had seen us drive down the main drag. He was there to tell us we had lost a tyre on out car. There was nothing left of it except for some steel wiring tied up like a knotted ball of wool. Unbelievably there was also most of the rim missing, the brake drum and the shock absorber as well and the rear bumper wasn’t looking the greatest either. Oh What! Is all that came to mind. 
The publican was very helpful and went off to get tools so we could remove what was left of the sanded off wheel and put on our spare to the remaining half of hub. Thankfully the hub was still moving so we were able to get on the road again.
We nursed the car, which was now bouncing on the trailer due to the lack of suspension for a further 130km to Albany. Paul stopped every 20km or so to do a check and then resume the drive through the Stirling Ranges and into outer Albany.
We parked up at Brookes GardenWoolies. Paul continued to shake his head over the car, while I did a quick shop. We then walked the light industrial estate for panel beaters /  mechanics that might be able to help us out tomorrow, but being New Year most are shut til Jan 9. Even our insurer was non-contactable.
After filling in the folks of our drama and them giving us directions to another estate, we moved on and found the Albany Aquatic Centre and sports ground, the perfect place to stop for the night. We wandered the industrial park and found some places that may be able to help out tomorrow, before completing our walk and returning to the van for dinner and a full check over the insurance.
An evening walk around the suburbs, with a great view from the hill, was needed before calling it night on a day to forget. 


  1. Hi Laura & Paul - we met you in the cool Kulin camp (John & Kay with the Wedgetail slide-on camper). What a bummer of a thing to happen for your car tyre & wheel - at least it didn't happen when you were driving the car itself. After 2 nights in Kulin we stayed 3 in Mt Trio bush campground (Sterling Ranges) - with 50 million blowflies! On Wed we climbed Mt Trio in the early morning & got back to Perth yesterday (Thu) arvo. Safe travels and will follow you with interest - hope you don't miss Yogi too much 😉

  2. Cheers. All good now. We have replaced the car, so no time lost, thank goodness. Bummer we missed staying in the Stirlings tho. Glad we missed the blowies. :)
